
Queeriser l'art

Queer theory as a critical tool against the very idea of identity in art.

Queerizing art is not wanting to promote queer art, if it exists or could exist, and even less wanting to aestheticize or “artistize” queer thought and practice. It is definitively renouncing any ontology as any paradigm, it is rejecting any claim to categorization, starting with the categories of pure art and even art. Queer does not proceed from the futile search for an additional identity, even a minority or "minor", but quite the contrary of an enterprise of deidentification, of deidentification, of criticism of any identity.

A book-montage, a sort of theoretical cut-up mixing the most diverse, the most heterogeneous, even the most heterogeneous references.

Author: Jean-Claude Moinseau
Publication date: nov. 3rd 2016
French edition
232 pages

BISAC: ART015000: ART / History / General ; ART015110: ART / History / Contemporary (1945-)
CLIL: 3668: Histoire de l'art, études ; 3670: Ecrits sur l'art

Print edition
ISBN: 978-2-8216-0083-6
Format: Format: 15,5 x 24 cm (softcover)
Public price: 22 €
The print edition is distributed by les presses du réel.

Digital edition
ISBN: 978-2-8216-0154-3
Format: ePub 3 with fixed lay-out
Public price: 9,99 €
The digital edition is distributed by ABM Distribution.